with CA ch 5 join with a sl st into first ch.
Row 1: ch3 make 2 dc ch 2 dc until you have 11 dc (12 dc)
Row 2: in CB join in ch 2 space. ch 3, in ch2 sp make *2 dc ch 2, 2 dc*. Repeat from *to* to end join with a sl st into top of ch 3
Row 4: in CB, sl st to ch 2 space. ch 3, in same space make 6 dc (makes 7). in next ch2 space make 7dc repeat in all ch 2 spaces sl st into top of ch3
Row 5: with a cc, join at the top of any dc, ch1, make sc into same space as ch1. sc into next 6 sts, *make sc in ch1 sp. sk down to row 2 and make the sc. sc in the next 7 sts* Repeat from *to* to end sl st into top of ch1.
Row 6: ch1, sc into every st around.
Row 7: ch3, make 2 dc in same sp as ch3, *sk st make 3dc*. Repeat from *to* to end. join with a sl st into top of ch3.
Row 8: (if not changing color) sl st over to ch1 sp. ch3, 2 dc ch2 3dc into same sp as ch3. in next ch2 sp *3dc ch2 3dc, 3dc in next 2 sps,*. Repeat from *to* to end. join with a sl st into top of ch3.
row 9: in ch1 sp, ch3 2 dc into the ch3 sp. *in next ch2 sp, make 3dc* Repeat from *to* to end. join at the top of ch3 break yarn and fasten off.
back piece
ch5 join into first ch making a ring, or magic circle
Round 1: ch3 make 12 dc into ring (13dc)
Round 2: ch3 1 dc into same as ch3, 2 dc into next st, and every st around. join with a sl st into the top of first dc.
Round 3: ch3, 1 dc into ch3 space. *1 dc into next st, 2 dc into next * repeat from *to* joining with a sl st into top of first dc.
round 4: ch3, 1 dc into same sp as ch3, *2 dc into the next 2 sts, 2 dc into the next st* repeat from *to* and join with a sl st into top of first dc.
round 5: ch3, 1 dc into same sp as ch3, *3 dc into the next 3 sts, 2 dc into the next st* repeat from *to* and join with a sl st into top of first dc.
round 6: ch3, 1 dc into same sp as ch3, *4 dc into the next 4 sts, 2 dc into the next st* repeat from *to* and join with a sl st into top of first dc.
round 7: ch3, 1 dc into same sp as ch3, *5 dc into the next 5 sts, 2 dc into the next st* repeat from *to* and join with a sl st into top of first dc.
round 8: ch3, 1 dc into same sp as ch3, 1 dc into every st around and join with a sl st into top of first dc.
make sure all ends are weaved in before moving on to next step!
ch1 sc to piece's together, join with a sl st into ch 1
picot boarded
ch1, sc into next st, *ch 3, sc into first ch of the ch you just made, sp next st, sc into next to sts.* repeat from*to*, to make the edging and join with a sl st into ch1.
to make loop (this is optional)
ch 15. more or less (is up to you) sl st into where the first ch is coming from fasten off weave in ends.